3.11 Research Resources

Resources for Research

Below are links to online resources where you can learn more about:

  • Southwest Oregon Tribes
  • Southwest Oregon History
  • Indigenous Languages
  • Oregon Tribal Newspapers
  • Native News
  • Spanish and Latino Resources
  • Other Library Resources
  • Oregon Colleges and Universities
  • Legal Resources and Documents

Southwest Oregon Tribes

  • Growing Up Indian: An Emic Perspective: Dr. George B. Wasson Jr., a Coquille member, worked on many projects related to the Tribe. This dissertation describes the historical and contemporary experiences of the Coquille Indian Tribe and neighboring Oregon Coast Tribes.
  • Co-written by Wasson, the essay 11_wasson_and_toelken analyzes the importance of traditional stories. It transcribes its title story and includes notes about historic and cultural references.
  • The Bandon Sandspit Site: The Archaeology of a Proto-Historic Coquille Indian Village, by Mark Tveskov. Dr. Tveskov is a professor of Anthropology at Southern Oregon University. This paper focuses on a series of excavations that occurred near the city of Bandon.

  • The Takelma and their Athapaskan Neighbors – This paper by Dennis Gray focuses on Native peoples from the upper Rogue River drainage in southwest Oregon. The neighbors in the title refer to Applegate River and Galice Creek peoples, who spoke an Athabaskan dialect similar to Upper Coquille.
  • A Life of Purpose – Chief Don Ivy  (A 35-minute film honoring the life and work of Coquille Tribal Chief Donald Boyd Ivy. 2022)

Southwest Oregon History

  • Coos History Museum – Home to the Coos County Historical Society, the museum has worked with the Coquille Indian Tribe on education programs and museum exhibits.
  • Coos Bay History – An independently managed web page with resources on Coos Bay and the surrounding area.
  • Oregon History Project – The Oregon Historical Society’s online resource.
  • Southern Oregon Historical Society – Based in Jackson County, Ore.
  • Historical Oregon Newspapers – An archive of Oregon newspapers, including papers from southwest Oregon. Most papers date from mid-19th to early-mid 20th century. These newspapers were digitized as part of the Oregon Digital Newspaper Program (ODNP).
  • Guide to the Melville Jacobs Papers – The University of Washington Library’s Special Collections include an online guide to the works of Dr. Melville Jacobs, a linguist whose extensive work includes detailed ethnographic work with ancestors of today’s Coos and Coquille Tribes.
  • Southwestern Oregon Research Project – A guide to the archives from the Southwestern Oregon Research Project (SWORP).
  • “Broken Treaties, An Oregon Experience — An Oregon Public Broadcasting program first broadcast in 2017.
  • 1855 Treaty  — This is the unratified Oregon Coast Tribes Treaty of 1855, preserved on the website of the Center for World Indigenous Studies.  To access it, click the link, then scroll down to a link labeled “46. OR-COAST.TXT.” Click to download the treaty.)

Indigenous Languages

Newspapers of Oregon Tribes

Native News

Spanish Language and Latino Resources

A significant part of the Coquille Indian Tribe’s community is also part of the Latino community in southwest Oregon (and in other places, too).

  • Oregon Commission on Hispanic Affairs (OCHA) – The mission of the Oregon Commission on Hispanic Affairs is to work toward economic, social, political and legal equality for Oregon´s Hispanic population.
  • Oregon Association of Bilingual Education – OABE promotes bilingual education programs as a means to close the opportunity gap for students.
  • Latino Community Association – Based in central Oregon, the Latino Community Association provides resources to Latino families including education, youth involvement, cultural enrichment and English language classes.
  • REFORMA – A branch of the American Library Association dedicated to promoting library resources to Latino American communities.
  • Donquijote.com language games – Offers Spanish language immersion courses in Spain and South America. This link is to a page containing numerous games and other practice opportunities.
  • 123Spanish Games for Children – Free Spanish language games for children from 123teachme, which provides free Spanish lessons on the web.
  • 123Spanish Games for Adults – More advanced games for older students.
  • Spanish language resources from the BBC – Yes, the British Broadcasting Company provides Spanish language resources including grammar and vocabulary lessons, a daily soccer (futbol) report, and a guide to Spanish slang from different parts of the world.
  • Spanish/English Dictionary – A free online dictionary for translating English to Spanish and vice-versa.

Other Library Resources

Oregon Colleges and Universities

Legislative and Legal Resources